Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. This is a common problem for men as they age. The prostate can squeeze the urethra, blocking urine flow and causing other bothersome urinary symptoms.
Symptoms may include:
- Frequent urination
- Slow flow
- Awakening at night to urinate
- Difficulty starting the urine stream or straining to urinate
- Sudden and strong urges to urinate
- A feeling of incompletely emptying the bladder
Your doctor can often make the diagnosis by asking a series of questions and performing a physical exam. However, additional testing can sometimes include:
- Urinalysis
- Blood work to check kidney function or PSA
- Ultrasound of the kidney, bladder, or prostate
- Urine cytology: a pathologist checks for cancer cells in the urine
- Cystoscopy: passage of a thin scope through the urethra into the bladder allowing the doctor to visually examine the inside of the prostate and bladder
- Urodynamic studies: bladder physiology testing
Treatments are tailored to each patient’s situation. Options include:
- Observation
- Medication
- Physical therapy
- Prostate Artery Embolization
- Rezum – Office based prostate thermal therapy
- Aquablation – Robotic Waterjet Ablation
- Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate with GreenLight® laser
- UroLift
- Robotic Simple Prostatectomy
The doctors at Fore River Urology are experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of BPH. They will review all options and help you find the best treatment. For an appointment, please call 207-518-6600.
Helpful patient information is available at the Urology Care Foundation website.